Thursday, 19 October 2017

Weekly News 19th October

This week in phonics we were learning to segment the sounds in words by robot talking. The children met the class bears Cyril squirrel and Henry Hedgehog and had to robot talk the items in the bears bags so that they could hear all the sounds in the words. By doing so, the children have been learning to identify each separate sound in the words.

We have been enjoying exploring the woodland this week, the children have been learning how to independently put on their puddle suits and wellies. On the woodland they have been doing some bird watching, making mud pies, building with large construction materials and taking in turns to use the swing. On colder days we will be taking the children into the yurt.

On Tuesday afternoon we learnt about Diwali and what Hindus do to celebrate this festival of light. Please ask your child what they remember about Diwali.

We had a great time on Monday when the pre school leaders came to visit! The children listened to them read a story and enjoyed some juice and popcorn.

On Thursday morning we went on a number walk. We enjoyed looking for signs of Autumn and numbers in the environment. If you are out and about over the half term, maybe you could help your child find their house group leaf. The houses are: Maple, Oak, Sycamore and Birch.

Please make sure that after half term your child has a book bag in school every day, spare socks for welly changing and a coat with a hood. 

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