Thursday 2 November 2017

Weekly News 2nd November

This week we have been learning about the sounds: s a t and p. The children have been learning to hear the sounds in words, think of words with that sound and write the sounds. Similarly, when reading with the children this week, we have been teaching the children to spot the sounds in words. Please continue to practise this at home with your child.

In maths, we have been learning about numbers. We have been practising to count to a given number, spot numbers on a number line and form the numbers correctly.

In ‘Twiggle Time’ we have been learning about emotions and more specifically what makes us feel happy.

If you have not already done so, please hand in your reply slips for the woodland reading cafĂ©’s.

Please ensure your child has wellies and spare socks in school at all times. We use our outdoor woodland area in any weather!

We have recently set up a new doctor’s surgery role play and this has been very popular with the children! We would like to ask whether any of you who work as a doctor or a nurse would be willing to come into school and be interviewed by the children about your profession. 

On Friday 8th December  we have our Christmas craft morning. It starts at 9 and runs until 11:30. After this craft morning, you may take your child home early. In our experience, it is best to take your child home afterwards as they can become upset. It will not be marked as an unauthorised absence. We will send out more information about the morning in due course.

We hope you all had a lovely half term. The children have been very excited to tell us what they got up to!

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