This week we have started phonics. The children
have been learning about alliteration and rhyming words and have had to use
their listening skills to carefully to identify the different sounds in words.
In maths we have started to look at numicon.
The children have been ordering and recognising numbers on a number line and
matching numicon shapes to the numbers.
The children
are really enjoying their time on the bikes on a Wednesday. Please remember that if you wish for
your child to wear a helmet on a Wednesday to bring it in and leave it on your
child’s peg in the morning.
There was a confusion with the information
meeting time on Wednesday 11th October. Refreshments will be
available from 2pm and the meeting will commence at 2:15pm and finish at 3pm.
Notes from the meeting will be sent home to parents that are not able to
Monday 16th October the preschool leaders will be visiting school at
2pm for a tea party to read the children a story and see how they have settled.
If your child is usually part time but you would like them to be here for this
event you are welcome to bring them back to school at 2pm.
Parent consultations
are on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October. There will
soon be a list in each classroom to sign up for an appointment with your class
Thank you to
the parents that have activated their tapestry accounts online. If you haven’t yet,
you should receive an email from tapestry. Please feel free to start uploading
observations or commenting on observations taken at school.
Please could
the squirrel parents wait inside the blue fence when picking your child up from
school as it blocks the path.
Please could
you also ensure that your child has wellies in school – especially for our
number walk. Thank you to all of the parents have offered to help at our number
walk. If you are able to attend, please meet us by the gate at 9:30, we aim to
be back at about 10:30.
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