Thursday, 26 September 2019

weekly news 26th

This week in Reception we have enjoyed bringing in our favourite books from home and have shared lots with our classes already. The children have been brave, coming to the front of the class to talk about their favourite part of the story and why the like it. The teachers have then read the story to the class. We will continue to share these books next week so your child will still have time to bring one in if they haven’t yet. 
On Monday we played a pirate bingo game in Maths. The children showed us which numbers they could recognise up to 16 and enjoyed picking out pirate treasure from a chest to place over their numbers. 
We have been getting stuck into our Power of Reading story called Grendel: A cautionary Tale about Chocolate. This will be our focus story for the rest of the half term and we will be dipping in and out of it as we read a few pages at a time. So far we have found out that Grendel lives in a cave with his mum and he loves three things: his mum, his dog and chocolate! The children then shared the things they love and lots of children chose to draw pictures of these things on a heart which they then cut out themselves. We discussed what sort of character we think Grendel is when he snatches the chocolate off his mum and runs away to eat it. We recorded ideas on post it notes and are making a working wall of our learning. We have also had chocolate play dough out in our enhanced provision where the children have been creating their own chocolate worlds. 
On Wednesday the children enjoyed their second PE and Music sessions in the morning and in the afternoon, they had great fun using the bikes and scooters outside.  
This week we have also been learning to use our outside areas and lots of children have really enjoyed spending time in the different areas such as the Jurassic world, sand pit, builder’s area and exploring the cars with ramps.  
Please can all children have a rain coat in school every day and could we ask you to name your child’s lunch box on the outside so that the lunch time staff can help the children find their lunch boxes.  
You should have received your child’s login details for Education City and Active Learn. The school code for Active learn is 99kq. 
We will be leaving out green speech bubbles with a question on from time to time. Please can you spare a minute and write a comment on it with your child’s name and place it in the pot provided. 
Lots of the lovely learning we have been doing has been added to tapestry this week. Please take a look to see photos and observations of your child and add a ‘like’ or comment. 

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