Wednesday, 18 September 2019

weekly news 18th September

This week we have been continuing to teach the children how to use the inside of our learning environment. The children are doing really well with looking after all our equipment and finding out where to tidy it away at the end of each session. The children are enjoying having their own 'special place' where they sit on our class carpets.
The children have been finding out all about each other when we have been reading their 'All about me' books to their class. The children have been sitting at the front of their class on a special chair while it is their turn and telling us about all the things that make them special.
This week many of the children have been having their lunch at school and afterwards playing on our adventure playground. After lunch the children have 'E.R.I.C' time in their class 'everyone reads in class'. The children all choose a book from a basket and sit and carefully look through the book for a few moments. The children are settling really well into all these new routines !
Also this week all the children have been doing a special 'focus' activity which has been to draw a picture of themselves in their school clothes and to try to write their name on their picture. We have been encouraging the children to look really carefully in a mirror to notice the shape of their face and the colour of their eyes and hair and then to choose the correct crayons for their picture. We will be displaying these pictures on your child's special display board around their classroom so do please come and have a look at your child's picture.
We call Wednesdays 'Wonderful Wednesdays' in Reception because the children have a dance and music session in the morning which are always lots of fun !
From Monday 23rd September we would like your child to bring in a favourite book from home to show to their class. Please encourage your child to put their book in the basket/box by their teacher's chair. Each child will have a turn to show their book and to talk to their class about their favourite part of their book and to explain why they like it.
Please can you write your child's name in their book ?
From next Wednesday 25th September during the afternoon, we will be taking the children on the playground to use the school balance bikes and scooters so we would like to invite you to bring in a named helmet and leave it on your child's peg on a Wednesday. Please can you ensure that your child can put their helmet on and that it fits comfortably, we will of course assist the children with fastening/unfastening the clips.
Thank you very much to all the parents who have offered to help out in class.  This is a great help and enables us to put on lots of activities to further enrich the children's learning. Thank you also to all the parents who have helped out at lunch-time. Many of you have commented on the children's excellent behaviour and table manners !
Many of the children seem to be very tired in the afternoons and one or two have even nodded off to sleep ! Unfortunately at school we do not have anywhere for the children to have a nap, so please let us know if you can pick you child up at 11:45am especially at the end of the week if you find they are getting very tired or emotional during these early weeks of school. Thank you

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