are really enjoying getting to know all the children and they are doing very well
learning all the new routines.
From next week (21st September) please drop your child off between 8:45 and 9:00am and collect them at 11:30am
Favourite book
In the week beginning the Monday 28th September we are inviting the children to bring their favourite book to school for us all to enjoy. As it will take us a while to read them all please can you explain to your child that their book may need stay at school for a couple of weeks. Please ask your child to give their named book to their teacher, thankyou.
On Wednesday afternoons from 7th October we will be taking the children on the large playground to ride on scooters and bicycles. If you would prefer your child to wear a helmet for this activity please send their helmet in a named carrier bag to hang on their peg each Wednesday from 7th October onwards.
at school
week beginning Monday 28th September the children may stay for lunch
at school and will need to be collected at 12:45pm.(previously stated 1pm) Please note the change of pick up time due to changes we have had to make to lunch times at school. If you would like your child to
have school lunches please follow the instructions to book these via WISEPAY which were sent out in the
brown envelope this week. If you would like your
child to have a packed lunch please remember we are a NUT-FREE school due to
several children in school having nut allergies. Please do not include sweets
or chocolate in your child’s lunch box. If you pack a yogurt or jelly in their lunch box, please remember to provide a spoon ! Thank you.
Full time v part time
Monday 5th October the children can be at school full-time if you
feel they are ready. Please collect your child between 3pm and 3:15pm However we would highly recommend that the children remain
part-time until at least after October half-term.
Several parents have
already told us that their child will be remaining part-time until further
Please be reassured that the main teaching sessions always take place during the morning in Reception so your child will not miss out if they are part-time.
If your child is going to continue to be
part-time after 5th October they will need to be collected from the doors near the Lower School hall - just past the front of the main school office at 11:30am.
Lunchtimes at school
are organised separately from the rest of the school day, due to the complete
change of staff. Therefore it is very different from
lunchtimes that your child may have experienced at Nursery or Playgroup.
Your child should be
able to:
separate from their
parent/carer confidently
move independently
both inside and outside within set boundaries
cope with change of
adults without distress
behave appropriately
for the majority of the time
manage own personal
hygiene and toileting independently
talk to your child’s teacher if you have any queries about this.
We will of course also let you know if we feel
that your child is struggling to concentrate during the afternoons and would
benefit from an afternoon at home from time to time.
can you ensure long hair is tied back. This helps with controlling the spread
of head lice and ensures your child can see clearly when engaged in learning.
Spare clothes
Please can you provide your child with a bag of spare clothes to keep on their peg in case of accidents ?
Thank you
Melissa Aspin, Emily Newson and Nikki Fowler
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