Friday, 12 June 2020

Home Learning Week beginning Monday 15th June 2020

 Each week we will be suggesting activities to do with your child at home. This will include a daily letters and sounds and maths activity and a weekly topic based idea too. It is up to you when you do the home learning but we would love to see how your child is getting on so please upload what you can to tapestry.
If you have any queries or concerns please post these on tapestry and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.
Letters and Sounds:
Each day-whenever possible- we would like your child to be reading- Bug Club is great to use and also please keep practising the tricky words and sounds in their sound book.
Don’t forget to collect your rewards on Bug Club as you answer the quiz when you have finished reading the book ! 
We recommend using the link below for 5 Phonics lessons suitable for Reception children during the summer term. Here is an explanation about the lessons which go live each Monday.
Here are this week’s lessons:

 Our topic this term is 'Will you read me a story ?' and each week we will be learning a different traditional story. 
 Please listen to this weeks story of ‘The Frog Prince which will be uploaded to tapestry ready for Monday morning.
1.     After listening to Mrs  Newson read the story of ' The Frog Prince’ on tapestry, ask your child to draw a picture of the characters in the story. Can they use their phonic skills to write labels to go with their picture ? 
2.  Can they draw a picture of their favourite part of the story and write a sentence to explain what is happening ? Ask your child to tell you the important rules when writing a good sentence. ( A sentence needs to start with a capital letter, when you write you need to remember to leave 'finger spaces' between the words, it needs to make sense and you need to remember to put a 'full stop' at the end of the sentence.)
3. Ask your child what they think happened next in the story. What adventures did the frog prince and the princess get up to? Encourage your child to write a sentence about what happened next in the story.
4.On ‘Phonics play’ please can your child play ‘buried treasure’?
'Education city' please can your child play ‘ What’s in the castle?’ game on 'English 2’.
5. On 'letterjoin'     
  can they practice the letters in the words   f r o g  p r i n c e ?

6.  Can your child write and design an invitation to the wedding of the frog prince and princess?
7. Can your child use their creative and problem-solving skills to to make a boat that the frog prince could use to float around in? Use materials around the home and find out which ones float and which ones sink. Perhaps your child could use one of their small toys to test their boat and upload a picture to tapestry. here is a link to a video all about the life cycle of a frog that your child might like to watch.
Please use the link for 'white rose maths' which the whole school use. There are 5 brilliant sessions each week based around a book.

RE- How do muslims celebrate the birth of a baby?

Here is a link to a child friendly powerpoint to read with your child. 

RE/Twiggle Time/PATHS

This week in twiggle time we are doing 'The Turtle Review.' Please look out for Mrs Fowler’s tapestry post which will remind the children how to do the turtle and help them to think when would be a good time to use it. 


Please see the link to Home Learning pages on the SSP website
There are lots of ideas as to how you can keep your children active, challenged and mentally well whilst at home. 
New resources include;
  • Norfolk School Games - Virtual Challenges
  • SSP Family Fun Games
  • #ThisIsPE videos
  • England Netball Bee@Home Challenges
  • Art of Brilliance - Wellbeing Wednesday videos
  • Chance2Shine Cricket Resources
  • Cosmic Kids - Yoga Videos
  • Art Hub tutorial Videos
  • YST Leadership Videos
The resources are split into four categories; PE Home Learning, 60 second challenges, Active Breaks and Health and Well being.

To view all of the resources visit the Home Learning homepage on our website.

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