Sunday, 19 April 2020

Home learning week beginning April 20th

We hope that you have all had a good Easter and managed to enjoy the beautiful spring weather.

Each week we will be suggesting activities to do with your child at home.This will include a daily letters and sounds and maths activity and a weekly topic based idea too. We will also be adding a weekly  'Twiggle time/Paths' session on tapestry. It is up to you when you do the home learning but we would love to see how your child is getting on so please upload what you can to tapestry. If you have any queries or concerns please post these on tapestry and we will get back to you as quick as we can.

 Our topic this term is 'Will you read me a story ?' and each week we will be learning a different traditional story.  Please look on tapestry to find us reading this week's story of 'Goldilocks and the 3 bears.'

Letters and Sounds ideas
Each day-whenever possible- we would like your child to be reading- Bug Club is great to use and also please keep practising the tricky words and sounds in their sound book.
1. After listening to the story of 'Goldilocks and the 3 bears' on tapestry, ask your child to draw a picture of the characters in the story. Can they use their phonic skills to write labels to go with their picture ? Can they describe each character ? eg' Daddy Bear is big and has a deep voice'
2.  Can they draw a picture of their favourite part of the story and write a sentence to explain what is happening ? Ask your child to tell you the important rules when writing a good sentence. ( A sentence needs to start with a capital letter, when you write you need to remember to leave 'finger spaces' between the words, it needs to make sense and you need to remember to put a 'full stop' at the end of the sentence.)
3. Can your child make some simple puppets of the characters in the story and then can they put on a little puppet show to retell the story of 'Goldilocks and the 3 bears'- this could even be recorded and uploaded to tapestry and also it could be sent to entertain relatives !
4.On 'Education city' please can your child play a game on 'English 2 phase 3' and to practise their letter formation on 'letterjoin'- Can they practice the letters in the word 'b  e  a  r  s' ?
5. Can your child pretend they are' Goldilocks' and write a note or a letters to the 3 bears saying 'sorry' about going into their cottage ?

Please use the link for 'white rose maths' which the whole school use. There are 5 brilliant sessions each week based around a book. This week the activities focus on the story of 'Supertato'-please follow the early years link below:
 Can your child use their measuring and comparing and creative skills by making a chair and or a bed for Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear ? Perhaps they could use lego or some other construction set or reclaimed/recycled materials. When they have made the chairs/beds can they measure how long each one is ?

How about helping your child to make some porridge this week ? Maybe you could try some different toppings and see which topping is the most popular in your family ?

Please also find a link to a story which helps to explain the Coronavirus to children.

The brilliant Axel Scheffler has produced a book about Covid-19 Coronavirus just for children - and it's available as a FREE download.  Please share so it's available to every family who needs it. 

The Gruffalo illustrator worked with consultant Professor Graham Medley, two head teachers and a psychologist to make sure the book got the messages right, answering questions about quarantine, how you can catch the virus and what happens if you get ill. 

Publishers Nosy Crow have asked for donations in lieu of payment, to go to our fantastic health workers: 

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