Wednesday, 12 February 2020

weekly news 12th February

We have learnt the sounds ee, or, ie/igh and ar this week in Phonics and the tricky words are and all. the children have been reading with us and we have been carrying out a full reading and sounds assessment. We are very impressed with their blending and segmenting skills which are really starting to click.

In maths we have been learning how to work out number problems with a Chinese new year theme. We have been asking questions to help us find missing numbers and learning to share and divide with practical items t help us work out the number problems. The children have also worked with an adult to show what they know about numbers and how far they can count.

We have taught the children about internet safety this week and how to stay safe online. We spoke to the children about all the devices that use the internet and they shared what games they play on devices at home. They learnt they should never talk to strangers online or click on anything if they don't know what it is, they agreed they should only go on the internet if they are with their parents.

We have been learning about basic personal hygiene and how to wash our hands. The children were fascinated to find out about invisible germs. We discussed when we need to wash our hands and after what activities  and then practiced washing hands thoroughly to stop germs spreading. In the second session, we learnt about keeping our teeth clean and read the story 'Topsy and Tim Go to the Dentist'.

Your child should have brought home their next 'Show and Tell' homework sheet which we will start on the first week back after half term. Also we would like to remind you that as mentioned in the school news letter last week,  we will be celebrating the school's 50th birthday after half term. The children and staff have been asked to come dressed in 70's clothes on Friday 28th February.

We hope they children have a lovely half term.

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