Thursday, 28 November 2019

weekly news 28th November

This week we have been learning the sounds l, f, b and j. We have also learnt the tricky words he and she. We have been reading the sounds we have leant so far in our sound books and we have learnt the tricky words he and she this week. Check the back of our sound books to see which sounds we know on the stickers we have been given. If your child has 4 or more stickers, we have sent home a word bag for them to practise segmenting and blending words which are made up from the sounds we have learnt so far. you can then change these bag yourself in the mornings once they are confident at reading the current bag.

We have been learning all about the numbers 19 and 20 and finding different ways to make these numbers. We have also practised ordering and making a number line from 1 to 20 and then playing a missing number game where our puppets Hattie, Ricky and Percy would turn over a card and we would look carefully to work out which number was missing by looking at the numbers either side to give us clues finding one more and one less. We then wrote the numbers down to practise our number formation using the number rhymes
We have read some more of our ‘Power of Reading’ book ‘Owl Babies’ and have been writing wanted posters to try and find mummy owl as well as writing her a letter to ask her to come back to her babies.

The children may be using the field at lunch times, If they fall over they may get wet so please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in their bag in case we need to change them as we don’t have many spare trousers left. If your child has borrowed a pair, please can you send them back in once they have been washed and dried.

Request for unusual vehicles... our next topic is ‘Are we there yet?’ It focuses on different types of transport. We are having a vehicle launch week for our memorable experience on the week beginning 13th January. If you or a family member has an unusual type of transport such as a vintage car or tractor or anything else you think we would love to look at and you would be happy to bring in, we would be very grateful. Please have a word with one of the teachers to arrange a day that week.

Request for our making area.... We have some boxes in our creative area that are a bit empty at the moment. If you have anything to donate that you no longer need we would be very grateful. The children love making models and pictures with little treasures! For example wool, shiny papers we can chop up, bottle tops, fabric, etc

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