Wednesday, 5 June 2019

weekly news 6th June

Weekly news 6th June
This week is Mulbarton Words Week which was started off on Monday morning with an assembly led by an author called Paeony Lewis. She explained all about how she became an author and what her job involves. Paeony showed us some of the books she has written including ‘I’ll always love you’ which you may have heard of, and she read us a lovely story called ‘Hurry up birthday’ which is about a young bunny who just can’t wait for his birthday to come !
We are continuing our theme about stories and over the next couple of weeks will be looking at space themed books, and this week we heard the story of ‘Whatever Next ?’ by Jill Murphy. The main character is Baby Bear and he wants to go into space but his mother’s objections are that it’s his bedtime and he hasn’t got a rocket ! We have been thinking about what we would take if we went into space and the children have written a list of what they would take. These lists are hanging up in our ‘Space’ role play area if you would like to see them.
We are really looking forward to Rocket Morning next Friday 14th June 9-11:30am please don’t forget to send your reply slip and pay £2 via Wisepay towards the cost of this exciting morning.
The children have been using their writing skills to write a message on a card which they will bring home next Friday 14th. Your child has decided which family member they have made their card for, whether it is for Daddy, Grandad or someone else who they love.

In Maths this week we have been developing our reasoning skills by trying to guess what number has been hidden in a little bag. We have been encouraging the children to ask the sort of questions that help them to identify the hidden number, eg. ‘Is it bigger than 10 ?’   ‘Is it an odd number or an even number ?’
Perhaps you could play this game at home too.
We have started practising our dance for the Summer Fayre for next Friday 14th. We will be dancing at 5:10pm so please look out for up to date information about where we will meet the children before we go out to dance. The children are really enjoying learning the dance and have been making their own ‘Troll’ headdress to wear.
We have been having some visitors from the pre schools in the village and the children have been very helpful and friendly to the children and showing them around the base ! They have enjoyed seeing some of their old key-workers too.
Gressenhall trip Tuesday 26th June: Thank you very much to the parents who have offered to help us on our trip. You will be receiving a note later on this week with more details.

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