Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Weekly News 6th March

We have been very busy story scribing with your children this week. You will soon see a new story up on your child’s board for you to take a look at, the children have been making amazing progress with their writing!

 On Monday we went to a workshop with King’s Camp, hopefully you have received the certificate from your child giving information about their summer camps in this area.

We had a great time on Tuesday making pancakes! All of the children had a turn at making and trying a pancake with their friends.

We have also been learning the sounds igh/ie and oa.

In maths, we have been learning about length. The children have been comparing the length of things, taking about why we measure length and measuring items using cubes. Our Tapestry observation suggestion for this week would be to do some measuring with your child. 

The children have also been working with an adult in the base to answer their question about dinosaurs. They have been learning how to use books and the internet to find out information.
Don’t forget that Thursday is World Book Day. The children may come to school dressed as their favourite book character!

Hopefully you have received the email that was giving information about the Gressenhall trip. It says that your child may come dressed as a fairytale character but this is optional, the children may come to school dressed in non school uniform if they wish.

If you have any spare junk modelling materials at home, please bring them to school as we are running low again!

1 comment:

  1. All that learning and all that fun, looks great and I'm leaving my day job!
