Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Weekly News 13th February

This week we have been learning the sounds ng and ai. Your child has also been working with an adult to complete a sounds, tricky word and blending assessment. We have found that some of the children are struggling to retain some of the digraphs – these can be very tricky to learn! They are best learnt through repetition. Although your child may be able to recognise the sounds in the sound book it is a different skill to recognise the digraphs in words, this is something we practise with the children in phonics sessions.

In maths we have been problem solving and sharing coins between Chinese money purses and corn between pigs – as it is year of the pig! The children have been working out how to share numbers equally and fairly.

We have a tennis roadshow on Wednesday afternoon where the children will be learning what tennis is and practising some sports and co-ordination skills.

Thank you very much to the parents that returned the Tapestry questionnaire. We found that there were several parents who were unsure about the sorts of things that would be useful to upload to Tapestry. We have decided that from now on, each week, we will be adding a suggestion about an observation that you could upload to Tapestry that will help us to gather evidence about your child. For example, this week, can your child find things in their home, in the environment, draw things, or make a list of words with the ng or ai sound in. This will help us to identify if your child is at the emerging, expected or exceeding level of development.

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