Thursday, 29 November 2018

Weekly News 29th November 2018

This week we have been learning the sounds b, f and l.

The children have been very busy making shape pictures of people. The children have been using their knowledge of shapes to name the shapes that they need.

We have been doing a thorough sounds, tricky word and blending check with the children this week which has been very encouraging. Please keep practising the sounds and tricky words with your children over the next few weeks so that they do not forget what they have learnt. We will not be reading with the children any more this term to make space for Christmas activities.  We will however, be doing lots of writing which will be drawing on the sounds and tricky word skills that they have been developing.

We have been carrying on with learning about teen numbers. Children can find teen numbers challenging to learn. If you are not sure how to support your child at home with maths, there are some great ideas in the booklet that we gave at the parents information meeting.

Thank you to the parents that have returned the slip about the Christmas Craft Morning. Please do so if you haven’t already as we will need to buy our resources for the morning soon. Please be reassured lots of parents will be taking their children home on that day so please do not order a lunch for your child on that day. If you have already ordered a lunch for your child and you would like to take them home, please ask the office to cancel it for you.

We will be sending your child’s puddle suit home over Christmas. We are finding that some children avoid using our woodland area because they find it difficult to put on their puddle suit. Please practise this with your child at home so that they are confident to use all areas of our reception base.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Weekly News 21st November

This week we have been learning the sounds e, u r and h. We have also introduced the children to tricky words. Tricky words are words that can not be learnt through phonic knowledge and blending, they have to be remembered as a whole word. Your child will have been given a tricky word tag and a book which has one of the tricky words in which we would like you to encourage your child to look for the word, and of course in other books too. Please keep that book in your child’s book bag. We will change this book when your child is ready to learn the next tricky word. By the end of the Reception year, your child should know all of the words on their tag. Please help your child to learn these words but at your child’s pace. Please practise as many tricky words as you would like to with your child. When the children have learnt all of these words we will give them new tricky words to learn on their tag. Tricky words are learnt through memory, repetition is the best way to learn these words. Similarly, you could help your child to look at the word, cover it and then write it.

We have been continuing to enjoy learning lots of things about teen numbers. We have been focussing on the numbers 13, 14 and 15. Why don’t you ask your child to tell you something they have learnt about these numbers. Maybe you could ask your child to find these numbers in your house or when you are out and about.

The children have been busy planting bulbs outside this week. Please make sure your child has a warm coat with a hood in school every day as we enjoy lots of activities outside in all weathers.

We have been busy hand printing pictures of squirrels and hedgehogs this week. This may explain why your child has been coming home with paint stained hands.

Thank you very much to the parents that have replied to the Christmas Craft Morning event. Please return the slip with your £3 as soon as possible as we are needing to buy craft supplies. Thank you.

Friday, 2 November 2018

dough disco

Four mornings a week we do 'Dough Disco' which helps us to develop the muscles in our hands and arms which later helps us with skills for writing and fine motor activities. This is lots of fun and we are getting brilliant at organising all the pots of dough and tidying them away at the end.

Physical play

On a Wednesday we love to go out on the playground and have fun riding the bikes, scooters and balance bikes. We have to learn to share the equipment and take turns and also we are developing an awareness of space and speed ! We get chance to develop our climbing and balancing and jumping skills when we go on the adventure playground.