Sunday, 11 October 2020

Reception weekly news

 Weekly News 

This week many of the children have stayed all day and have been using the woodland area for play time. You may have noticed children coming home rather muddy! The children are managing to take off their shoes and put on their wellies really well and lots of children are trying hard to put their coats on by themselves. Please keep practising with this at home.

The children should all have a picture book in their bookbags to share at home. Please can they bring their bookbags in every day as this is a good habit to get into.  We will also be going to the school library once a week and the day we go will vary, so it would be really helpful if they being their book bag into school each day. Thank you.

We have introduced the number of the day. We will look at how the numbers are formed and practise writing them, we will practise making and finding that number using cubes, dice, numicon and a looking for it on a number line.  We will also be watching Number Blocks during our snack time to reinforce the learning. This week we learnt all about numbers 1,2,3 and 4. Ask your child if they can tell you the rhyme to write the numbers correctly.

We have started to put some observations on tapestry, please let us know if you haven't received one yet or are having any problems logging in. Following government guidelines we will not be able to write in your child's red reading record which we have put in their book bag, instead we will be sending you a note via tapestry when we look at books with your child. This will be an invaluable form of communication between us.

Week beginning Monday 12th October

If your child is absent from school, we thought it would be helpful for you to know what we will be teaching the children at school so that you could continue the learning with your child 

This week in Reception we will be learning about rhyme and alliteration. We will be listening to lots of rhyming stories and playing rhyming games. We will also be playing some games to help the children to hear alliteration for words that begin with the same sound. 
Maybe you could play eye spy with your child at home to help the listen for initial sound in words.

We are going to continue to teach the children a 'number of the day.' We will be learning all about the numbers 5,6,7 and 8.

In our continuous provision the children will have free flow access to all areas which will include opportunities to paint, work on their fine motor, mark making and exploring the maths area with our number of the day table. They will also have lots of opportunities to interact and play alongside each other and we will support them with turn taking and sharing. 

Friday, 25 September 2020

Weekly news 25/9/20


We have had a great week in Reception this week. The children have settled in  whole classes really well and its lovely to see lots of friendships being made.

We have spent a lot of time outside exploring our outdoor areas. The water shoots and builder role play areas have been very popular. We also took the children up to the woodland area for a tour to show them how to use the mud kitchen, the bird watching area under a canopy which has spotter sheets and binoculars, our loose parts construction area and music area too. The children are very excited to have more time exploring up there next week.

We will be doing lots of outdoor learning and this year and so please make sure your child has brought in their wellies and puddle suits. Especially if they are staying for lunch on Monday as they will be having their outdoor lunch play on the woodland so will need to wear their wellies. We have practiced putting on welly boots, coats and puddle suits this week. Please can you encourage your child to do this at home themselves as with only one adult and 30 children they will have to wait a long time for help at lunch time. We met our lunch time teachers Mrs Cornhill and Mrs Gaul on Thursday and Friday who will be with them every lunch time. They did a tour of the school hall and were shown where to line up and how to clear their dinner trays at the end.

We have enjoyed looking through the children’s all about me books and finding out about each other. Thank you to those children who have brought in their favourite books which we will be sharing over the next few weeks. We are just missing a few children’s stories if they can bring theirs in next week please.

We would also like to ask if you can make sure your child has a spare set of cloths at school (and socks) so they can get changed if they do get wet at lunch times.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception team

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Weekly news Friday 18th September


Dear Parents

We are really enjoying getting to know all the children and they are doing very well learning all the new routines.

 The school day

From next week (21st September) please drop your child off between 8:45 and 9:00am and collect them at 11:30am

Favourite book

In the week beginning the Monday 28th September we are inviting the children to bring their favourite book to school for us all to enjoy. As it will take us a while to read them all please can you explain to your child that their book may need stay at school for a couple of weeks. Please ask your child to give their named book to their teacher, thankyou.

 Cycle helmets

 On Wednesday afternoons from 7th October we will be taking the children on the large playground to ride on scooters and bicycles. If you would prefer your child to wear a helmet for this activity please send their helmet in a named carrier bag to hang on their peg each Wednesday from 7th October onwards.

Lunch-times at school

The week beginning Monday 28th September the children may stay for lunch at school and will need to be collected at 12:45pm.(previously stated 1pm) Please note the change of pick up time due to changes we have had to make to lunch times at school. If you would like your child to have school lunches please follow the instructions to book these via WISEPAY which were sent out in the brown envelope this week. If you would like your child to have a packed lunch please remember we are a NUT-FREE school due to several children in school having nut allergies. Please do not include sweets or chocolate in your child’s lunch box. If you pack a yogurt or jelly in their lunch box, please remember to provide a spoon ! Thank you.

Full time v part time 

From Monday 5th October the children can be at school full-time if you feel they are ready. Please collect your child between 3pm and 3:15pm However we would highly recommend that the children remain part-time until at least after October half-term.

Several parents have already told us that their child will be remaining part-time until further notice.

 Please be reassured that the main teaching sessions always take place during the morning in Reception so your child will not miss out if they are part-time. 

If your child is going to continue to be part-time after 5th October they will need to be collected from the doors near the Lower School hall - just past the front of the main school office at 11:30am.

 Please bear in mind the following guidance to help you decide what is best for your child.

Lunchtimes at school are organised separately from the rest of the school day, due to the complete change of staff. Therefore it is very different from lunchtimes that your child may have experienced at Nursery or Playgroup.

Your child should be able to:

separate from their parent/carer confidently

move independently both inside and outside within set boundaries

cope with change of adults without distress

behave appropriately for the majority of the time

manage own personal hygiene and toileting independently


Please talk to your child’s teacher if you have any queries about this.

 We will of course also let you know if we feel that your child is struggling to concentrate during the afternoons and would benefit from an afternoon at home from time to time.


Please can you ensure long hair is tied back. This helps with controlling the spread of head lice and ensures your child can see clearly when engaged in learning.

Spare clothes

Please can you provide your child with a bag of spare clothes to keep on their peg in case of accidents ? 

Thank you

 Melissa Aspin, Emily Newson and Nikki Fowler



Saturday, 11 July 2020

Home Learning Week Commencing Monday 13th

Week beginning Monday 13th July 2020

For the last full week of term, we will be suggesting activities to do with your child at home. This includes a daily letters and sounds and maths activity and a topic based idea too. We would like to thank you for all of your hard work in supporting your child’s learning.

This is a reminder to download and keep your child’s Tapestry journal, if you haven’t already done so.

If you have any queries or concerns, please post these on tapestry and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.

We look forward to seeing you for the picnic on Monday!

Letters and Sounds:
Each day-whenever possible- we would like your child to be reading- Bug Club is great to use and also please keep practising the tricky words and sounds in their sound book.
Don’t forget to collect your rewards on Bug Club as you answer the quiz when you have finished reading the book !

We recommend using the link below for 5 Phonics lessons suitable for Reception children during the summer term. Here is an explanation about the lessons which go live each Monday.
Here are this week’s lessons: beginning with Lesson 60

Our topic this term is 'Will you read me a story?' and each week we will be learning a different traditional story.
Please listen to this week’s story of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ which will be uploaded to Tapestry ready for Monday morning.

1. After listening to Mrs Page read the story of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ on Tapestry, ask your child to draw a picture of the characters in the story. Can they use their phonic skills to write labels to go with their picture ?
2. Can they draw a picture of their favourite part of the story and write a sentence to explain what is happening? Ask your child to tell you the important rules when writing a good sentence. ( A sentence needs to start with a capital letter, when you write you need to remember to leave 'finger spaces' between the words, it needs to make sense and you need to remember to put a 'full stop' at the end of the sentence.)
3. Can you help your child to imagine what good deed they could imagine the elves doing during the night at your house ? Can they describe what they might wake up in the morning and see, in a sentence?

4.On ‘Phonics play’ please can your child play ‘Giggling Grapheme’ phase 2 or 3?
'Education city' please can your child play ‘Sparkler’ game on 'English 2’.

5. On 'letterjoin' can they practice the letters in the words ‘e l v e s’ and
‘s h o e m a k e r ‘?

6. Can your child write a thank you note to the elves? I wonder if the elves will write back?

7. Can your child use their creative skills to design a pair of shoes? Once your child has drawn their design ask them to talk about what materials they have used and what all the parts of their shoes are.

8. Can your child create a shoe shop? They might like to add price labels, and ask family members to use real money to buy some shoes! Can you ask your child how many pairs they have altogether? Can they count in twos? If they sell some, how many do they have left?

Here is a link with a fun song to learn how to tie your shoes

Please use the link for 'white rose maths' which the whole school use. There are 5 brilliant sessions each week based around a book.

Here is a video explaining counting in twos

Here is a song to help your child with counting in 2s.

This week we will continue learning about Judaism. Here is a video to watch with your child about Jewish beliefs.

Twiggle time/Paths/well-being

Here are some suggestions of calming activities to help children to support their well-being

Here are a selection of pinwheels to create, with instructions. These are to help children to focus on their breathing and help them to be calm.

Please see the link to Home Learning pages on the SSP website.

There are lots of ideas as to how you can keep your children active, challenged and mentally well whilst at home.
New resources include;
· Norfolk School Games - Virtual Challenges
· SSP Family Fun Games
· #ThisIsPE videos
· England Netball Bee@Home Challenges
· Art of Brilliance - Wellbeing Wednesday videos
· Chance2Shine Cricket Resources
· Cosmic Kids - Yoga Videos
· Art Hub tutorial Videos
· YST Leadership Videos
The resources are split into four categories; PE Home Learning, 60 second challenges, Active Breaks and Health and Well being.
To view all of the resources visit the Home Learning homepage on our website.

Monday, 6 July 2020

Home Learning Monday 6th July

Week beginning Monday 6th July 2020

Each week we will be suggesting activities to do with your child at home. This will include a daily letters and sounds and maths activity and a weekly topic based idea too. It is up to you when you do the home learning but we would love to see how your child is getting on so please upload what you can to tapestry.
If you have any queries or concerns please post these on tapestry and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.
Letters and Sounds:
Each day-whenever possible- we would like your child to be reading- Bug Club is great to use and also please keep practising the tricky words and sounds in their sound book.
Don’t forget to collect your rewards on Bug Club as you answer the quiz when you have finished reading the book ! 
We recommend using the link below for 5 Phonics lessons suitable for Reception children during the summer term. Here is an explanation about the lessons which go live each Monday.
Here are this week’s lessons:

 Our topic this term is 'Will you read me a story ?' and each week we will be learning a different traditional story. 
 Please listen to this weeks story of ‘Peter Pan

Please click this link to hear the story of peter pan
1.     After listening to the story of 'Peter Pan’, ask your child to draw a picture of the characters in the story. Can they use their phonic skills to write labels to go with their picture ? 
2.  Can they draw a picture of their favourite part of the story and write a sentence to explain what is happening ? Ask your child to tell you the important rules when writing a good sentence. ( A sentence needs to start with a capital letter, when you write you need to remember to leave 'finger spaces' between the words, it needs to make sense and you need to remember to put a 'full stop' at the end of the sentence.)
3. Peter Pan can fly when he thinks of happy thoughts. Ask your child to draw a time when they were really happy and write a sentence to describe what they did when they were happy.
4.On ‘Phonics play’ please can your child play ‘buried treasure’?
'Education city' please can your child play ‘ Seaside Stories?’ game on 'English 2’.
5. On 'letterjoin'     
  can they practice the letters in the words   P e t e r  P a n ?

6.  Can your child draw a pirate treasure map of what they think Neverland looks like and label the parts on the map?
7. Can your child use their creative and problem-solving skills to design a new flag for the pirate ship? Which materials will you use? Which materials will be strong enough?

8. Pirates need to use maps to sail the sea! Can you look at this map of the world with your child. Where do we live? Are there any countries you have been to as a family? Do you know anybody that lives in a different country? Which country does your favourite animal live in? which countries can you find with hot climates? Which countries can you find with cold climates?

Please use the link for 'white rose maths' which the whole school use. There are 5 brilliant sessions each week based around a book.

RE- Where do Jewish people go to worship?

The star of David is an important symbol to Jewish people as it is a symbol of their religion, Can you make your own star of David?

Twiggle Time/PATHS

Here are some mindfulness activities you could try with your child. Pick a few to try over the week.

Please see the link to Home Learning pages on the SSP website
There are lots of ideas as to how you can keep your children active, challenged and mentally well whilst at home. 
New resources include;
  • Norfolk School Games - Virtual Challenges
  • SSP Family Fun Games
  • #ThisIsPE videos
  • England Netball Bee@Home Challenges
  • Art of Brilliance - Wellbeing Wednesday videos
  • Chance2Shine Cricket Resources
  • Cosmic Kids - Yoga Videos
  • Art Hub tutorial Videos
  • YST Leadership Videos
The resources are split into four categories; PE Home Learning, 60 second challenges, Active Breaks and Health and Well being.

To view all of the resources visit the Home Learning homepage on our website.