Wednesday 23 January 2019

Weekly News 23rd January

This week we have started learning digraphs (2 letters that make 1 sound). We have been learning qu and ch.

In maths we have been adding. The children have been learning to count on from the biggest number using their fingers.

Continuing from our ‘Animals Around the World’ topic, on Tuesday, we looked at the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ which is set in Africa. In the story, Handa describes the fruit she is taking to her friend. We all learnt what an adjective was- or wow word- and looked for these in the story. For example, the ‘soft, yellow banana’. After we read the story, we all had a piece of tangerine and described it using our senses.

The children have also been busy carefully looking at and drawing pineapples. The children have been working with an adult to describe the pineapple and then describe what it tastes like at the end.

Every 2 weeks we have been introducing a new word to the children which reflects our school's '7 Wonders of Learning'. The children have previously learnt about the word 'collaborative' and what it means and this week we are looking at how to be a 'problem solver'. Maybe you could ask your child what they mean. 

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