Wednesday, 18 March 2020

weekly news 18th March

We are very disappointed about having to postpone our Maths Morning. Thank you very much for the contributions that have been paid.  The money that has been paid will be used towards the rescheduling of the event, or carried over to Rocket Morning which is planned for Thursday 18th June.
This week we have been practising all the letters and sounds that we have learnt so far. We have been reading sentences and playing a game called sentence substitution . We have been changing one word at a time to make up some very strange sentences ! We have been checking the children's sounds and tricky word knowledge and changing their home reading books too. Please see how many sounds and tricky words your child is able to read which we have recorded in their reading record.
In Maths we have been learning all about the time. We have been learning to sequence events in the day and learning to tell the time- to the clock- on an analogue clock.
The children have been writing a message in their Mother's Day cards which they will bring home at the end of the week. The children have worked really hard at writing their message about why they love their Mummy !
Should the school be advised to close please see below a list of websites for you to use with your child.

National Geographic Kids

Activities and quizzes.


Nature Detectives

A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!


Cbeebies Radio

Listening activities.



Oxford Owl for Home

Lots of free resources for Primary age


Red Ted Art

Easy arts and crafts.


The Imagination Tree

Creative art and craft activities.



Toy Theater

Educational online games


DK Find Out

Activities and quizzes



This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures. useful apps and activities.


your child's Education city log in details have been sent home again and have been stuck in their red reading records.
These are the games that we would like the children to work on to consolidate their learning.

EYFS Maths F2:
Counting Carnival
Hustle and Bustle
Share Bears
Deep Discoveries
Hop Off
Jack in the box
One more, one less
Smelly Socks
Sten's Party

Shape, space measure:
Classy objects
Measure up
Wakey, wakey

English F2:
Phase 3 all
vowel digraphs
fear the beard
sure sure
fairy pair
surf's up
summer river
tricky words

Leap frog
creature of habitat
farm frenzy
flutter and fly
farmyard racket

After Easter the children will need to have a P.E. kit in school. Please could this include a t-shirt, ( house group t-shirts ) a pair of shorts, jogging bottoms and a long-sleeved top (to cover elbows and knees) and a pair of pumps or trainers NOT LACE-UPS thank-you. Please ensure that everything in their P.E. kit is permanently named including shoes. Please practice changing into P.E. kits at home to encourage your child to be independent.

British summer:
As we all know our weather can be very unpredictable so please ensure that your child ALWAYS has a waterproof raincoat with a hood and a sunhat in their bag as we will continue to go out to play in all weathers.

Show and Tell ‘Story Challenge’
Please see separate letter which will be sent home with your child.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

weekly news 12th March

Thank you very much to Ava's Daddy who came into school to teach us about Africa. He showed the children lots of photographs and talked about the differences in culture to the United Kingdom. The children were very interested in learning about Africa and they asked some great questions !

This week we have been learning the last 3 trigraphs. These are sounds which use 3 letters together but only make one sound ! These are 'ear', 'air' and 'ure' and we have been learning to hear, read and write these sounds. We have been practising reading our sounds and tricky words in sentences and funny questions and we have been trying to decide whether the questions are real or nonsense.
In Maths this week we have been learning all about 3 d shapes. We have been learning how to describe the shapes using mathematical language and talking about their properties. Can your child tell you about any 3 d shapes that they have learnt this week ? Can they find any cylinders, spheres, cuboids, triangular prisms, pyramids, cones or cubes at home or when you are out and about ? Perhaps you could upload any photos on Tapestry to show us which 3d shapes they have found ?

As part of our topic about African animals we have been learning all about the importance of Camouflage and we have been investigating which colours are more difficult to spot in various environments and habitats.

Hopefully you have received your invitation from your child for our 'Maths Morning' next Friday 20th March. Thank you very much to those parents who have already sent in their reply slip.
The children are really looking forward to showing you all the exciting ways we can have fun with Maths !

A very big 'THANK-YOU' to Mia's Daddy and 'PLANTSCAPE Tree Services' for the generous donation of lots of log slices for our outdoor learning environments.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

weekly news 5th March

This week we have learnt the digraphs ur and oi in letters and sounds and have been revising the tricky words learnt so far. We have also been modelling story telling on the carpet using small world characters to help us and we wrote a shared story which modelled capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  The children helped to robot talk the words as we wrote them down. The children have then been story scribing and using small world characters to help them write their own stories. This has helped the children to think up their stories and to choose the characters they might include. These have been pinned up on their notice board displays.  

In Maths this week we have been weighing animals with balance scales and comparing them against each other as well as weighing animals with cubes. They have learnt how to use balance scales accurately to measure.

In Power of reading we have continued with our new story, ‘Augustus and his smile’ and we have read a few pages and found out that Augustus has lost his smile and has gone to look for it. The children thought about where he might go to look for his smile and also filled in a chart about what they know about tigers ad what they would like to find out. We will research this next week.

In twiggle time we have been learning that there are similarities and differences between everyone and we can celebrate this so everyone can feel OK to be themselves. We learnt that there are some ways that people can be the same as each other and there are some ways that people can be different to each other. We looked at toys and sorted them into hoops for toys that girls might like more, toys that boys might like more and toys that they both like. We realised that it doesn’t matter if you are a girl or a boy and found that lots of us had different favourite toys. We also played a circle game swapping places with someone who liked the same things as them. 

We are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day tomorrow and seeing the costumes as well as sharing the children's favourite books.