Thursday, 12 December 2019

Weekly News 12th December

We have had a lovely Christmassy week in Reception. The children have been enjoying all of the festive themed enhanced provision activities around the base and have been enjoying our Santa’s grotto and workshop role play.

On Tuesday the children enjoyed their Christmas lunch and had lots of fun pulling their Christmas crackers. they were served their lunch by Christmas elves!

On Thursday we learnt about Santa Lucia and the Scandinavian Catholic festival. We listened to the story of Hannah's Christmas and watched some videos of how they celebrate, the songs they sing and the clothes they wear. We tried some danish biscuits and enjoyed making leaf crowns and star hats like we had seen in the videos.

We are looking forward to seeing lots  of our parents at our Christmas craft morning tomorrow, we have some lovely activities and songs planned.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

weekly news 4th December

What an exciting way to start the week ! There were some rather large sparkly footprints in our classrooms coming from our doors......we had had a very special visitor all the way from the North Pole !

Then we found a letter from Father Christmas asking us to write him a list of presents that we would like for Christmas !

Mrs Theobald was very surprised to see our letter and we also told her that we had noticed an Elf in our classrooms too !
We all tried really hard to use the sounds we have been learning this term to write our lists ready for Father Christmas to collect when he comes to visit us at the Christmas Fayre on Friday evening.

We have also been learning about Advent and counting the days until Christmas with our special Advent calendars. We have been sequencing the special events which will be taking place at school up until the end of term.
We have been learning about the first Christmas by listening to the nativity story and we have been learning some songs which we will be singing to you at the end of the Christmas craft morning next Friday 13th December.  We are really looking forward to spending the morning in school with a member of our family, creating crafts and memories. 
We would be really grateful if all the reply slips could be sent in as soon as possible to help us with planning this event. Thank you
 If you are unable to attend may we suggest that you consider approaching another parent to support your child during the activities please ?

Home readers: hopefully you have all received the note that was sent home regarding the change in the books that your child brings home- the book bags certainly feel alot lighter now ! We will be reading/changing books with your child over the next week. Please continue to practice the sounds and tricky words over the holidays so that they do not forget them !
Don't forget to log on to Active learn and Education city so that your child can practice their reading and maths skills. Please see your child's teacher if you have problem accessing these sights.
Stars: we would love all the children to have something written on their 'star', on the board in the cloakroom, again before the end of term.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Christmas fayre !