Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Weekly News 22nd May

The children had a great day on Monday for Sports Day! We have enjoyed talking about the day and our favourite activities. All of the children did brilliantly well with the ‘ready, teddy, go’ race and it was great to see them cheering each other on throughout the day!

This week we have also been learning about ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We have been reading the story as a class and we even made our own gingerbread men in a maths lesson! The children bought their ingredients from a ‘shop’ and then worked as a group to make the dough and bake the gingerbread.

On Tuesday we had a very exciting RE lesson learning all about the Jewish celebration Shabbat- the children even got to try some Challah bread! Perhaps you could ask your child if there is anything they can remember about Shabbat, or why it is important to Jewish people.

Your child has taken home their sunflower seed this week – don’t forget about the competition.

We hope you all have a wonderful half term!

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Weekly News 16th May 2019

This week we have been learning about the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We have been using our sound knowledge to read the story and we have been ordering events in the story in groups.

In maths, we have been learning all about capacity. We have been exploring which containers hold the most water and we discovered that taller containers do not always hold more than shorter containers. We have also been measuring capacity with oats using scoops and bowls we have been estimating how much a container will hold and then finding out as a class.

The children have had the opportunity to explore capacity during free flow sessions this week by making ‘sleeping potions’ for the giant. Some of the children may have brought their magical potion home.

We have been enjoying watching our sunflowers grow and looking after them – don’t forget about the competition!

Some of the preschool leaders have been visiting school with the new children starting in September, the children have enjoyed showing them round the base.

With the sunny weather, please make sure your child always has a sunhat and a raincoat in school.
Looking forward to seeing you all at sports day on Monday, please remember that your child needs to come dressed in their PE kit, please refer to your letter about sports day for more information.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

weekly news 8th May

This week we have been learning all about the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ We have been enjoying acting out the story in our role play area and we have been reading the story in groups. We have been sorting some pictures and sentences from the story and putting them in the correct order and identifying the beginning, middle and end.
This week we have started writing our own stories and it is fantastic to see the children’s enthusiasm to come and write- at times we even have a queue of children !
We have been making porridge and tasting different toppings and choosing which one is our favourite. We could choose from jam, honey or sugar or we could try porridge with no topping at all. We are collecting this information to make a pictogram to analyse the data so that we could find out which is the most popular topping. In our maths sessions we have continued looking at ways to collect data and how to display it eg. eye colour, the month of our birthday, and our favourite toys and favourite colour.
Nest week we will be checking which children can read and understand simple sentences as this is Early Learning Goal that we assess against by the middle of June.
Milk Scheme:  just a reminder that once your child has turned 5 they no longer automatically receive free milk at school. Please contact the office to pay for milk if you would like your child to still receive milk at school.
Mrs.Newson will be starting her maternity leave at half term, so her last day in school will be Friday 24th May. We will let you know who will be teaching Hedgehog class as soon as a teacher has been appointed.
We are really looking forward to our annual Rocket Morning on Friday 14th June:  your child will be bringing home an invitation soon. This morning is organised in collaboration with Hethersett Academy STEM department and is always a very exciting morning. This will be taking place on the Friday before Father’s Day, therefore the idea of this event is to encourage Dads to come into school and get involved with their child’s learning as they often don’t get chance to, however, any relative would be most welcome to attend.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

weekly news 1st May

This week we have been learning all about the story of the Little Red Hen. On Monday Ben’s parents very kindly brought 2 of their hens to stay with us for a couple of weeks. The children have been enjoying observing the hens and helping to look after them. So far they have laid an egg each day which the Squirrel and Hedgehog of the day have had fun collecting. The peacocks seem to be very interested in the hens too ! On Monday afternoon we followed the Little Red Hen’s example and made bread. All the children wanted to help us to eat the bread which we enjoyed, served warm and spread with butter ! We have been planting sunflower seeds this week and we will look after them at school for a couple of weeks, and then the children will bring their plant home. We are planning to enter a competition that Savills-the estate agents have launched to schools called the ‘2019 Norfolk school sunflower competition’. If you would like your child to enter please email the school office ( to the year 1 teachers) a photograph and the sunflower’s measurement with your child’s name and age by Monday 9th September. The competition’s closing date is Friday 13th September and the school with the tallest sunflower will receive a £100 garden centre voucher.
Within school we will have our own sunflower competition and a little prize will be awarded to the child who grows the tallest sunflower ! Please upload via tapestry your child’s sunflower photograph and measurement by Monday 15th July and of course we would love to see photos of your child looking after their plant along the way. After planting their sunflower seeds, the children have been writing instructions about what they did. Please have a look at your child’s display board because we will be displaying their writing when they have done it.

The children have enjoying meeting Mr.Dring, a trainee teacher who has been on a placement with us this week. He has commented on the fantastic behaviour and attitudes to learning of the children.

Our focus challenge activity this week has been for the children to work with a partner to design and construct something to help the Little Red Hen to carry some wheat. They have been using reclaimed materials and have been encouraged to adapt their work when necessary.