Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Weekly News 30th January

This week we have been learning the digraphs sh and th. We have found that the children can find it difficult to differentiate between ‘th’ and ‘f’ words. Perhaps you could help your children to practise thinking of ‘th’ words at home and hear the difference in the way the ‘th’ and ‘f’ sounds are spoken.

In maths we have been learning about subtracting. The children have been subtracting using concrete objects, their fingers and number lines and then learning how to write the number sentence.

The children have also been working 1:1 with an adult writing number lines to 20. We have been practising to write the numbers in the correct order and form them correctly.

The show and tell sessions have been fantastic so far! We have found that the children’s speaking and listening skills have really improved since the last show and tell and they have all done very well at remembering all of the facts! We can’t wait to hear the rest of them!

Please bring in any junk modelling materials that you have at home- we are always running short of things for the children to use! It is a very popular area of the base!

Don’t forget, Monday is the start of our Chinese New Year Week! Please could your child come to school wearing something red on this day as it is a very important colour in China. Thank you to all of the parents that said you can help during this week as we have lots of challenges for the children to complete!

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Weekly News 23rd January

This week we have started learning digraphs (2 letters that make 1 sound). We have been learning qu and ch.

In maths we have been adding. The children have been learning to count on from the biggest number using their fingers.

Continuing from our ‘Animals Around the World’ topic, on Tuesday, we looked at the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ which is set in Africa. In the story, Handa describes the fruit she is taking to her friend. We all learnt what an adjective was- or wow word- and looked for these in the story. For example, the ‘soft, yellow banana’. After we read the story, we all had a piece of tangerine and described it using our senses.

The children have also been busy carefully looking at and drawing pineapples. The children have been working with an adult to describe the pineapple and then describe what it tastes like at the end.

Every 2 weeks we have been introducing a new word to the children which reflects our school's '7 Wonders of Learning'. The children have previously learnt about the word 'collaborative' and what it means and this week we are looking at how to be a 'problem solver'. Maybe you could ask your child what they mean. 

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Weekly News 16th January 2019

This week we have been very busy story scribing with the children. Please take some time to have a look at your child’s progress on their display board!

We have been learning the sounds x, y and z. Next week we will be starting to learn digraphs (two letters that come together to make one sound). Digraphs can be a tricky for your children to learn and remember. Please keep continuing to help your child practice the sounds in their sound book so they do not fall behind. Some parents have asked us about ways to extend their child’s learning at home and we have suggested helping your child to practising writing and spelling their tricky words as this is an important skill that helps with both their reading and writing.

In maths, we have been starting to learn the number bonds to 10. Maybe you could ask your child what they know about number bonds?

If you have any junk at home suitable for junk modelling, please bring it in as it is a popular area of the base and we always run out!

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Weekly News 9th January

We started the week by going to a drama session in the hall ran by Carl Bradley. We pretended to put spells on each other and turn into different animals and we pretended to act out different emotions – it was lots of fun. This session was to promote his after school drama club, hopefully you will have received a letter about it.

On Tuesday we went on our Winter Welly Walk, we looked for signs of winter and when we got back to school we had a delicious warm waffle. Thank you to all of the parents that helped and joined us for the walk we had a great time!

We have also been learning the sounds j, w and v this week. Maybe you could ask your child to tell you words with those sounds in?

We will also be learning about the numbers 18 and 19.

On Friday, we will be having a very exciting afternoon as we are going to watch Aladdin in the hall!
Please bring in items suitable for junk modelling. It is a very popular area of the base and we are running out of junk for the children to use!

We are looking forward to watching your child’s show and tell about animals. Friday 11th will be Birch group, about animals that live in the polar regions. Friday 18th will be Maple group about animals that live is the desert. Friday 25th will be Oak group about animals that live in the savannah and sycamore group will be animals that live in the rainforest on the 1st February.