We have been very busy this week carefully writing in our Christmas
cards! Your child should be taking their card home soon. The children have
spent a long time carefully making their Christmas cards and are very proud of
We have also been learning about St Lucia this week and how
it is celebrated, we looked at how Christmas is celebrated around the world.
The children tried Scandinavian biscuits and had the chance to make candle
crowns. Maybe you could ask your child what St Lucia is?
We would love to see an observation on tapestry of how you
celebrate the winter holidays at home. If you upload a photograph on to
tapestry, your child will get a chance to talk through their photograph with
the class. This will add to the evidence for your child’s understanding of
people and communities.
We have also been busy learning Christmas songs for our
craft morning on Friday.
Your child should have received their homework about animals
around the world. Please let a member of staff know if you do not have this.
The children have all worked really hard and have had a
great first term at school, we are amazed at their progress so far- especially
with their writing.
As you know we have started next steps with the children. This
is working very well but we are noticing that the children who are practising
their next steps at home, are racing through their next steps and therefore
making more progress. Please look at your child’s next step on their board and
any practise you can do at home will hugely benefit your child.